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Spider Vein Treatment

It's All In The Details

Spider veins are a common disturbance for tens of millions of individuals.  Mostly they make patients self-conscious, but they can also be an indication of more underlying troubles. Thanks to modern innovations in vein medicine, the treatment of spider veins has become more effective and permanent. 

Around 80% of American females have spider veins, with slightly less prevalence among men.  Fortunately, they are most often benign if the only concern is cosmetic.  However, in the presence of symptoms, spider veins are a marker of underlying vein disease or venous insufficiency.  Venous insufficiency should be evaluated by a dependable vein treatment clinic in NJ to evaluate the significance. 

Getting rid of spider veins depends on the underlying reasons.  Most patients have an asymptomatic condition and spider veins are related to hereditary predisposition, excess sitting or standing, and hormonal factors.  In venous insufficiency, there are symptoms of leg heaviness, cramping or pain sometimes associated with visible spider or varicose veins.  The symptoms result from blood pooling in the legs due to dysfunctional saphenous veins.

Spider vein treatment can be cosmetic, medical or both depending on the condition.  The foundation of treatment begins with an accurate diagnosis with your trusted vein center NJ.  Secondly, patients are advised some conservative measures to minimize the development of spider veins and lessen any symptoms.  These conservative measures include:

  • Compression stockings: Graded medical stockings properly fitted and sized by your vein specialist are important.  When used properly and tolerated well, they can lessen symptoms and reduce venous pooling.

  • Elevate Legs: preventing blood from pooling in the legs is simple with putting your feet up when possible

  • Weight reduction

  • Avoid smoking: Visit here on some tips to quit smoking

  • Minimize or seek alternative hormonal treatments especially if your condition has worsened with initiation

  • Avoid standing or sitting in one position for excessive periods. 

  • Light to moderate exercise with comfortable footwear

In some cases, the symptoms persist and spider veins seem to progressively worsen with each year.  Medical treatments may be appropriate in these circumstances and should be discussed with your vein specialist. 

Clinical Remedies

For cosmetic vein treatments, spider vein removal is performed using laser vein removal and sclerotherapy. Both are effective and in certain instances, can be used together depending on the condition.  Sclerotherapy in NJ is more popular given its ability to treat a larger variety of spider and varicose veins, however laser therapy is still used by vein doctors, dermatologist, and medical spas. 

Laser Treatments

Laser vein removal is a preferred method for very fine spider veins.  A laser beam is focused at the surface of the skin and tiny veins are targeted for destruction.  The light energy is absorbed by the blood and causes the vessels to heat up.  This results in collapse and eventual disappearance of the targeted veins.


Sclerotherapy involves injection of a medical solution that irritates the linings of the endothelium (walls of the blood vessels) and causes them to collapse.   Usually 2 or 3 treatments are needed for the visible veins to disappear. 

Having spider veins is not uncommon and fortunately, in most circumstances, they are benign.  If you are seeking treatment, choosing your options requires a thorough examination by a vein expert.  Cosmetic treatments include sclerotherapy and laser vein removal, however these treatments are of limited use when there is underlying venous insufficiency.  In this condition, your vein doctor in NJ may recommend additional treatments including RF vein ablation, varithena or venaseal. 

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