Spider Vein Disease Management

Vein disease is a common problem that affects individuals young and old. It has a higher predisposition in females and has a strong genetic pattern. For many individuals, varicose and spider veins cause both disability and depression. With the advent of minimally-invasive vein treatments, a larger number of patients are seeking out vein care these days. Successful treatment can bring relief and restore the beauty of your legs.

Spider veins and varicose veins appear most commonly on the legs, however they can also appear on the chest, hands and face. Vein disease involving the legs is potentially covered by insurance when medically necessary. A vein doctor can provide the necessary evaluation. In general, your first visit will include an assessment of your symptoms and consideration for a venous reflux ultrasound.

The ultrasound is necessary to confirm a diagnosis of venous insufficiency. In this condition, the valves in the saphenous veins become overwhelmed and dysfunctional. The most common factors in development of vein disease include: family history, female gender, prolonged sitting or standing, obesity, and pregnancy.

Venous insufficiency results in blood reversing flow and pooling in the legs perceived as pain, cramps, restless legs and/or heaviness. Later stages include swelling, skin discoloration and venous ulcerations. On the surface of the skin, vein disease is seen as spider and varicose veins.

The two most common methods for spider vein removal are sclerotherapy and laser vein removal. During laser vein treatment, a light beam is focused directly on the abnormal spider veins and causes the veins to shrink. The penetration of lasers on the surface is minimal, as a means to balance effectiveness of spider vein treatment with avoidance of skin injury.

The more popular method for spider vein treatment is sclerotherapy. This involves tiny injections of a sclerosant into the abnormal spider veins causing them to collapse. The sclerosant can have variable concentrations depending on the size of the veins. Advanced techniques such as foam sclerotherapy or lite-directed sclerotherapy can also be considered.

Your vein center in Clifton NJ can evaluate your condition and decide which treatment is best for you. In cases where venous insufficiency is also demonstrated, treatment of underlying veins may be indicated to provide long lasting relief and improvement of your condition.

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