There are 2 popular catheter based procedures in
vein treatment: RF vein ablation and VenaSeal. Both options are standards of care in vein disease management and are minimally-invasive. These treatments are intended for patients with symptoms of vein disease and objective findings on ultrasound.
What is Vein Disease?
Vein Disease refers to the medical condition of venous insufficiency, however it can also be used to describe patients with spider or varicose veins. Venous insufficiency is a more important consideration and overlaps with spider and varicose veins.
In Venous insufficiency, the leg veins demonstrate poor function and become dysfunctional in shape and function. Primarily, the valves that promote the return of blood from the skin and subcutaneous tissue fail and allow blood to back up in the veins. This creates venous hypertension or elevated pressures in the leg veins. As a result, patients can develop both subjective and objective symptoms of vein disease.
What are The Signs and Symptoms of Vein Disease?
Venous insufficiency is notable for symptoms of leg heaviness, cramps, and fatigue in the legs. As the condition progresses, patients can experience swelling, restless legs and worsening pain. The discomfort is most apparent with prolonged standing or sitting that over-stress the veins and the return blood flow. Signs of late vein disease include swelling, skin discoloration, ulcerations, and eczema. DVT and bleeding veins are rare but important considerations for advanced patients.
So Who Needs Vein Treatment?
Vein treatment is intended for patients with signs and symptoms of venous insufficiency that have continued despite conservative measures. Vein treatment is preferred for patients with advanced stages of vein disease including CEAP 4-6.
Vein Treatment in 2020
Surgical treatment for vein disease has long past with the preferred treatments now minimally-invasive. Catheter based treatments included RF vein ablation and VenaSeal. Additional treatments depending on the nature of the vein disease include sclerotherapy, varithena, phlebotomy and laser vein removal.
Vein Ablation:
Vein ablation is performed using ultrasound guidance and the targeted vein is prepared in sterile fashion. Access is obtained under local anesthesia with lidocaine. Patients can eat and drink as normal before any vein ablation procedure. Once the vein is accessed, a small ablation catheter is inserted into the vein that will seal the vein using RF heat energy. Tumescence (a mixture of anesthetic and saline) is used to numb the tissue around the vein before heat energy is applied to the vein. The effect are immediate after treatment and blood is rerouted from diseased veins to healthy veins.
The VenaSeal is the only non-thermal, non-tumescent, non-sclerosant procedure that uses an innovative formulated medical adhesive that shuts the diseased vein. The procedure is FDA approved.
Similar to Vein ablation, VenaSeal is performed through a catheter under typical sterile technique. The difference is that rather than applying heat energy to close the vein, a medical adhesive is deposited into the vein to seal it shut. With the vein sealed closed, patients do not require compression stockings after the treatment is completed.
VenaSeal is a novel technique and some information is still being learned about the treatment. However, rigorous safety and efficacy data shows that VenaSeal is safe and effective like RF vein ablation. The procedure is more technically challenging and is best reserved for vein doctors with greater experience and skill. Overall, there is less pain with VenaSeal both during and after the procedure which makes it appealing. Insurance coverage is limited so this should be carefully considered with the
vein clinic Clifton before treatment.
The VenaSeal treatment is made to decrease client pain as well as reduce recovery time. After the treatment, a little seal will be placed at the site. This treatment has actually been shown to be reliable, with demonstrated safety and security.
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